Drug Formulation and Characterization of Multiple Emulsion System Containing Olive Oil and Two Antiaging Agents in Drug Content

Author(s): Shaik Harun Rasheed*, Sayyad Mustak, Gampa Vijay Kumar, Bharghava Bhushan Rao, Naidu Narapusetty, Jhansi Priya Marabathuni and Laith Hamza Samein


The intention of the study was to formulate a stable multiple emulsion system containing 2 skin antiaging agents using a natural oil vitamin C, known to be a very unstable ingredient and is decomposed in the presence of oxygen, was entrapped in the internal aqueous phase of w/o/w multiple emulsion. In this way, vitamin C is expected to exhibit slow release and the effect of vitamin C can be improved as it has been protected from the external environment. The other ingredient, which is a product of wheat protein was also used as an antiaging agent. Both of the ingredients increase the synthesis of collagen fibers in the dermis. Therefore, a synergistic effect can be produced by using the 2 ingredients in 1 formulation. In this study, multiple emulsions were prepared by the two-step emulsification method. Basic formulation containing no active material and a formulation containing vitamin C in the internal aqueous phase and wheat protein in the oily phase were prepared. The oil selected was Olive oil since it consists mainly of oleic acid (up to 83%), with smaller amounts of other fatty acids including linoleic acid (up to 21%) and palmitic acid (up to 20%) which is the natural ingredient of the young skin. Basic formulation as well as the formulation containing active ingredients were stored at different accelerated conditions for 6 months and characterized. Globule size, pH, viscosity and physical changes were tested to characterize the emulsion systems. Basic emulsion was found to be more stable at all the different conditions than the formulation containing the active ingredients.

image 10.4303/JDAR/236232

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