Short Communication - Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research ( 2021) Volume 10, Issue 4

Corona Virus & Ayurveda

Dipesh kushwah*
1Department of Chemistry, ITM University Gwalior, Gwalior, M.P.,, India
*Corresponding Author:
Dipesh kushwah, Department of Chemistry, ITM University Gwalior, India, Email:

Received: 16-Mar-2021;Accepted Date: Mar 31, 2021; Published: 05-Apr-2021


COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered CORO- NAVIRUS. It’s a type of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

The symptoms of SARS-nCOV-2 cause dry cough, fever, Tiredness, and difficulty of breathing (severe cases). We can cure the symptoms and de- fects of the whole body (vata, pitta, kapha) caused by the system and its qualitative therapists.



COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the recently found virus known as SARS -COV -2 (coronavirus). Before the outbreak originated in Wuhan, China on December 2019, there was no informa- tion about this virus.


The oldest common ancestor of coronavirus has been dated as far back as the 9th Century BC. Some studies published in 1990 specified the most recent common ancestors as follows;

Betacoronavirus - 3300 BC

Deltacoronavirus. - 3000 BC Gammacoronavirus - 2800 BC Alphacoronavirus. - 2400 BC.


People may be sick with the virus for 1 to 14 days develop- ing symptoms .The most common symptoms of coronavi- rus disease (COVID-19) are


• FEVER sadhya dosh


• Difficulty in breathing (Severe cases ) kricha sadhya.

Perspectives of Ayurveda

Tridosaj kapha pradhan dosh

• Cough Kapha dosh

• Fever. Pitta dosh

• Tiredness Vata dosh

MOST PEOPLE ( about 80-85%) recover from the disease

without needing special treatment ..

More rarely , the disease can be serious and even fatal. Older people, and people with other medical conditions such as ( Asthma , diabetes , or heart disease ) , may be vulnerable to becoming severely ill.

Sawas Rog ( asthma ) -- Acharya charak has considered the disease of breathing to be fatal ..(charak.. chikitsa sthan 17/6 )

Prameh (Diabetes ) (Charak chikitsa sthan 6/7)

Kaphaj prameh are SADHYA Pittaj prameh are YAPYA Vataj. Prameh. are ASADHYA

Hridrog ( Heart diseases ) --( SUSRUTA Uttara tantra 43/9)

*Vataj -- pittaj -- kaphaj hridrog sadhya

* In durbal Rogi updravyukt hridrog is asadhya

* Sannipataj and new krimij hridrog yapyh

Myths vs Reality

Common Myths

* The coronavirus can be transmitted through mosquito’s

* Everyone should with symptoms of covid - 19 can spred the disease .

* Eating garlic & drinking alcohol can prevent COVID--19 ..

Reality --

* The corona virus CAN NOT be transmitted through mos- quitoes ..

* Even people with COVID-19 infection but no symptoms can spread the disease ..

* Eating garlic and drinking alcohol DOES NOT present COVID -19 ..

* Those having symptoms of fever and cough as well as healthcare workers should wear masks.

Preventive Medicines

Tribhuvan Keerti Rasa

USE IN - Vatkaphaj pradhan jawar, Influenza, Bronchitis,

Digestion improvement, Allergy condition

Dose - 125 -250 mg

Sawaskuthara Rasa

USE IN - Vatkaph nasak, All Respiratory diseases, Sawas, Kash, Pratisayay, Asthma, Phneomonia, Swine flu

Dose - 125 - 250 mg

Sanjivani Vati

USE IN - Tridosaj chikitsa ,Jirna jawar , Viral infection ,Snek beat , Visuchika , Kas ,pratisayay

Dose 250-375 mg

Abhrak Bhasm

USE IN - TRIDOSESHAMAK, Rasayan ,Immunobuster ,AntiInflammatory, Energy booster Dose - 250 - 500 mg

Godanti Bhasm

USE IN -- Jiran jawar ,Malaria ,Dry cough, Taiphoid jawar ,Shiroshul , URI ( upper respiratory infection )

Normal pain , Inflammation of joints ,Hypocalcemia Dose - 250 500 mg

Guduchi (Tinosphora cordifolia)

USE IN -- VIRAL INFECTION , Malaria ,Dengue, Chikangunia ,Immunomodulator ,Metabolism improve- ment Diebites..

KALMEGH ( Andrograhis paniculata)

USE IN -- Antiviral ,Antibacterial, Antiparasitic, Anti-in- Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research flammatory, Imunostimulate, Hepatoprotective Broncoitis ,Neomonia

Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra )

USE IN -- Cough ,Asthma ,Tuberculosis, Malaria ,COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease )

Method of giving madicine

Rest all the medicines in equal parts (125mg) and mix them with the same amount of powdered powder.

125 × 8 = 1000 mg/dose

Give three dose/day with honey ( madhu) .


This is TRIDOSHAJ KAPHA PRADHAN DOSH with de- ficiency of immune power , so we can improve the human immune power and balancing dosha’s ....


Ayurveda is a system in which healthy persons are first protected and the health of a patient person is cured. According to Acharya charak

In the same way we can all protect the health of the patient in the treatment of an individual with the corona virus and cure him completely
