Defense Attorney in Cases of Administrative Offenses and Criminal Offenses in the Field of Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, Precursors and their Analogues

Author(s): Dmytro Andreiev*, Marina Kravets, Oleksandr Kryvopusk, Andriy Boyko and Oleksandr Kuvila


Background: The article reveals the role of a defense attorney in cases of administrative offenses and criminal offenses in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, precursors and their analogues.

Methods: In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the research, the dissertation used a system of methods of scientific knowledge. Among them, general scientific methods, methods of management science, sociology, law, as well as special methodological principles for studying the representation of the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens in administrative offenses and criminal offenses in the sphere of circulation of narcotic drugs, precursors and their analogues.

Results: Attention is paid to the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of persons who are participants in administrative offenses and criminal offenses in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, precursors and their analogues, through the mechanism of representation by a lawyer of completely different subjects in administrative offenses and criminal offenses in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, precursors and their analogues (victim, witness, civil plaintiff, civil defendant, suspect, accused, legal entities). Special attention is paid to the lawyer’s capabilities in defending the interests of the client depending on the situation and procedural status in administrative offenses and criminal offenses in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, precursors and their analogues.

Conclusion: The issue of representation in administrative offenses and criminal offenses in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, precursors and their analogues is considered in terms of protecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of participants in criminal and administrative proceedings. Representation by a defense attorney is considered a stage of involving a lawyer in conducting procedural actions at different stages of the pre-trial investigation and in relation to completely different procedural statuses of participants in criminal and administrative proceedings. The subjects who may be provided with professional legal assistance from a defense attorney in administrative offenses and criminal offenses in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, precursors and their analogues include: A victim, a witness, a minor witness, a suspect, an accused, a civil plaintiff, a civil defendant and legal entities. The provision of assistance to each of the subjects is individual in its own characteristics in connection with the procedural status of each, rights and obligations.

image 10.4303/JDAR/236425

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