Ewelina Matusiak-Wieczorek
Department of Orthopedics and Pediatric Orthopedics, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, PolandPublications
Research Article
Is there a Place for Hippotherapy in Children with Cerebral Palsy?
Author(s): Ewelina Matusiak-Wieczorek, Marek Synder, Munaf A. Hatem*, Andrzej Borowski and ElŽbieta Dziankowska- Zaborszczyk
Introduction: Purpose Cerebral palsy is a disorder of movement, muscle tone and posture that is caused by damage of the developing brain. This usually led to a restriction of independence in daily living activities. One of the methods which might bring benefits for cerebral palsy children is hippotherapy. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of hippotherapy on cerebral palsied children’ posture and body function. Material and methods: Forty-five children classified to 1 or 2 GMFCS level, with spastic diplegia or hemiplegia, aged 6-12 years were recruited. Participants were divided into three groups: study 1 (n=15), study 2 (n=15) and control (n=15). Children from study groups attended in 30 minutes hippotherapy sessions for 12 consecutive weeks, once weekly (study group l), twice weekly (study group 2). Sitting Assessment Scale (SAS) was used. Results: Comparis.. Read More»