2020 Conference Announcements of Clinical Research and Medical Case Reports |Dec 03, 2020 Rome, Italy

Author(s): Michael M. I. Abecassis, MD


We gladly welcome all the attendees around the world for the hearing of the foremost recent innovations and inventions in the field of Medical sciences. This Conference will provide a place for the exchange of ideas and views by leading scientists, researchers and also from the academicians around the globe. There will be many outstanding keynote speakers and well known leading scientists and experts from various places of the globe to share their ideas and talk about various aspects related to the field of medical sciences. Our aim is to gather peer researchers, young scientists, academicians & industrialists to meet, discuss and share the ideas related to it and the knowledge that’s still more to be revealed. We heartily encourage you to attend and contribute to one of the major events of 2020 in the field of Medical sciences stem cells. The conference will reveal the present and future aspects in the field of Medical sciences stem which is the need for instant and better treatment. Who and Why??

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