Author(s): Darryl Shibata*


The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine was founded in 1989 as one of two faculties of the three Royal Colleges of Physicians in the UK. From its inception, the Faculty has had a strong association with clinical pharmacology. Indeed, many would be surprised if it were otherwise, as clinical pharmacology and therapeutics are fundamental to the pharmaceutical business of the discovery, development and registration of drugs. The founder President of the Faculty was Sir Abe Goldberg, an academic clinical pharmacologist and a previous chairman of the Committee on Safety of Medicines, and other clinical pharmacologists were well represented on the founding committees. Pharmaceutical Medicine and Translational Clinical Research covers clinical testing of medicines and the translation of pharmaceutical drug research into new medicines, also focusing on the need to understand the safety profile of medicine and the benefit-risk balance. Pharmacoeconomics and the social impact of healthcare on patients and public health are also featured. It is written in a clear and straightforward manner to enable rapid review and assimilation of complex information and contains reader-friendly features.

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