Antihypertensive and cardio protective effects of the convolvulus arvensis root in ng-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-name) induced hypertension in swiss albino mice
Author(s): Nimra Mehak
Purpose of the exploration was to assess antihypertensive and cardio defensive goods of the Convolvulus arvensis root greasepaint in NG-nitro- L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) induce hypertension in Womanish Swiss albino mice. Womanish Swiss albino mice were divided into four orders. Control, two goo acacia L-NAME (40 mg/ kg orally), CA (500 mg/ kg orally) L- NAME (40 mg/ kg orally), L-arginine (100 mg/ kg orally) L-NAME (40 mg/ kg orally) were given for one month. On 29th day serum marker enzymes, cholesterol and hemodynamic parameters were measured and cardiac histology was performed. Systolic blood pressure position was raised by L- NAME. In both of the medicines treated groups, systolic and diastolic blood pressure position reduced significantly.